My Face!

969208_10100184000124430_806327084_n Call me DJ. My parents did, or nearly did. They called me Danielle.

“I am a Metalsmith, Traveler, Story Teller and maker of fine objects”

Danielle James is MFA candidate in metal design at East Carolina University. She received her BFA in metal design from Millersville University and originally hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Danielle finds inspiration in the gritty details of everyday life, using impromptu highway adventures as the vehicle in which her work comes to life. “For me, between the starting line and the finishing line is the place where the muses speak to me. During those long sleepless back road detours and the cruise control comatose moments I find my next step in my work and my life.” Danielle for the moment makes her home in Greenville, NC with her cat Princess Zelda. She exhibits her work nationally and was recently a featured artist on

2 thoughts on “My Face!

  1. Hi DJ. I’m also a metalsmith from Philadelphia, went to New Paltz for metal and have returned to my native Philly area to live/work. I travelled to NC recently (was fortunate to get work in a show there) and was enamored w/ all of the incredible metal communities going on, particularly in Raleigh. Enjoying following your blog lots!

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