Tongue N’ Cheek Opening Reception

IMG_5472So this is a long time coming…

For those of you who were unaware, the first night of The ECU “Making Marks” Symposium we had a mini art walk. One of those shows  (Tongue N Cheek) I had the privilege to curate, and wow what an experience.  Juried by Jillian Moore this international exhibition was inspired by the question “What happens when mockery and material merge?” I am so proud to have been involved in this undertaking and work with all of the people that made this show possible, the most important being the Greenville Museum of Art.  Below is the a statement by Jillian explaining the show. Enjoy the virtual tour!  A big thanks to Tara Locklear for taking some of these shots!

Jillian Moore Tongue In Cheek statement

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Overcoming the Post Symposium Coma…

FACT: As of this morning I (Danielle James) feel completely recovered from what is currently known as Symposium Syndrome. Symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  1. Forgetfulness of everything other than symposium issues i.e. keys,wallet,nutrition,sleep,and of course ones own blog.
  2. Obsessive-Compulsive Email Checking Disorder (OCECD)-obsessive thoughts and subsequent compulsions to check his/her email.
  3. I forgot number 3.
  4. A tiny dash of alcoholism.
  5. …And of course an overwhelming sense of happiness and pride!

Symposium was a challenge, and I thank everyone involved a thousand times over. All and all is was an amazing learning experience and I would not have changed a thing, but I am also thankful it is in the history books. I have thesis to look forward to now and a lot of bench time that I am stoked about.

Below is the first thing to be born off my desk since I came out of the fog. A necklace named “Chattanooga, Tennessee”

I hope to keep up writing to whom it may not concern bi-weekly.

Until then,


Final %22Chattanooga, TN%22 Necklace
